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How to Become a Certified Caregiver in Arizona

Certified caregivers may be called by many names, and are referred to as certified nursing assistants (CNAs) by the Arizona Board of Nursing, which oversees the certification of nurses and caregivers. Certified nursing assistants work in hospitals, long-term care facilities and individual patients' homes through home health agencies. They assist elderly or disabled persons with activities of daily living, such as eating or dressing. They also provide basic monitoring and supervision of the person's medical condition in collaboration with licensed nursing staff and physicians. To become a certified caregiver in Arizona, you must meet certain eligibility requirements including obtaining proper training.

Enroll in and complete an Arizona Board of Nursing approved CNA training program, providing 120 hours of classroom and clinical training. These programs usually last eight to 12 weeks and are offered at local nursing homes, community colleges and trade/vocational schools.

Apply with the Arizona Board of Nursing to take the CNA examination. You must submit a completed application in black ink, proof of your caregiver training, and proof of your citizenship or legal right to work in the United States.
Once the state board receives your application, you will be mailed a fingerprint card and list of approved fingerprinting agencies. You must take this card to an approved fingerprinting agency, have your fingerprints taken and return the card to the nursing board.
Submit an application to take the CNA exam to D&S Diversified Technologies, the agency contracted by the Arizona Board of Nursing to administer the test. Your application must include a copy of your proof of caregiver training and the appropriate testing fees. Once D&S Diversified Technologies has corroborated your information and received approval from the nursing board, you will be given a testing date.

Arrive on time for your caregiver examination. Bring your exam approval letter and a photo ID, leave your cell phone in the car or turned off. Wear comfortable, professional clothing (scrubs are appropriate), as you will be given a written test and skills test and will need to move freely.
Await the results of your examination. Once the Arizona Board of Nursing has received your results, you will be mailed a letter confirming your licensure as a Certified Nursing Assistant in Arizona and a paper copy of your license if you requested one in your application.
If you did not pass the exam or your application for licensure was denied for any reason, you will receive a letter stating the reason why and providing you with the appropriate steps to take to reapply or retest.
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