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How Much Do High School Basketball Coaches Get Paid?

Unlike professional and collegiate basketball, where coaches earn millon-dollar salaries, high school basketball coaches earn meager wages in comparison. In fact, a good number of them supplement their income as teachers or via other jobs. Salaries for high school basketball coaches are usually dependent on high school athletic budgets and, in some cases, the coaches' credentials.
Average Salary

According to, high school basketball coaches earn between $800 and $3,000 per year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists the average annual salary for elementary and secondary school (high school) coaches at $22,390 as of 2008. It adds that the lowest 10 percent of coaches earn less than $15,000 annually while the highest 10 percent earn more than $48,000 annually as o 2008.

It is customary for many basketball coaches across the country to earn stipends. Generally, coaches earning stipends are paid under $10,000 yearly. Some examples include Crown Point High School's (Indiana) hiring of a new girls basketball coach at an annual stipend of $8,787 and Bastrop High School's (Texas) stipend of $8,200 for head basketball coaches. In fact, this stipend is among the highest for head coaches in the school's district.
High-End Salaries

Two schools in western Pennsylvania pay their coaches stipends over $10,000. Aliquippa High School and North Hills High School pay their coaches $10,500 and $11,000 respectively as of 2011. Additionally, Aliquippa's head coach earns an additional bonus for making the playoffs. In an April 2011 article for Yahoo Sports, Cameron Smith cites high school blogger Adam Zagoria's report that Kevin Boyle's yearly salary is $130,000 annually at Montverde Academy in Florida as of 2011. According to Smith, this salary is higher than that of some NCAA Division I coaches.
Assistant Coaches

Much like college and professional teams, head coaches are aided by assistant coaches. Generally, salaries for assistant coaches are much lower than head coaches. Vashon Island School District in Vashon, Washington, pays its assistant basketball coaches $1,058 per year as of 2011. As a whole, the salary range for assistant basketball coaches is between no money and $2,000 annually.
- Athletic Coach Job Description..
- Bureau of Labor Statstics: Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, and Related Workers
- Crown Point Community; C.P. Names former Star Its New Girls Varsity Basketball Coach; Steve Hanlon; May 2011
- Team 4: High School Coaching Salaries
- Rivals High; Florida School to Pay Hoops Head Man More Than 4 NCAA Coaches; Cameron Smith; Aprl 2011
Leonard Dozier is a freelance writer based in southern New Jersey and New York. His film and sports columns have been published by "Casino Connection Magazine" and Trev Rogers sports respectively. A prolific and extremely versatile writer, he is an ASCAP songwriter and has written screenplays and stage plays registered with the Writer's Guild of America.
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