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How to Join the FBI's BAU

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, offers positions in both the regular force and special forces. One of these special areas is the Behavioral Analysis Unit, or BAU. The BAU is split into three separate categories within the unit -- counterterrorism/threat assessment, crime against adults and crime against minors. This area of work is similar to that of profilers that are often seen on crime-related television shows. However, to become a member of the BAU in the FBI, you must complete a strict application process.
Complete at least three years of service as a regular FBI agent. This is a minimum requirement to becoming a member of the BAU. However, because of high demand for this job, many agents must work eight to 10 years before moving into a BAU position.
Gain experience with violent crimes. BAU agents must deal with serious criminals who have committed violent offenses. Previous experience with crimes, such as rape, homicide and serious threats, is required.
Earn a degree in Behavioral or Forensic Science if possible. While this is not a solid requirement for the position, it is preferred for agents to have one of these degrees. Experience, however, carries more weight.
Apply for a position with the BAU through the FBI. This can be done through the Special Agent application available on the FBI website.
Complete the 500-hour structured training classes provided to all new recruits. This training is provided several times a year.
Continued training and staff development programs are offered at various intervals to keep your training updated.
- Continued training and staff development programs are offered at various intervals to keep your training updated.
Kimberly Turtenwald began writing professionally in 2000. She has written content for various websites, including Lights 2 You, Online Consultation, Corpus Personal Injury and more. Turtenwald studied editing and publishing at Wisconsin Lutheran College.