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Behavioral Analysis Unit Salary

Behavioral Analysis Unit, or BAU, special agents help track down violent criminals and thwart threats. The BAU is a part of the FBI’s National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime. These agents are highly educated and well-trained. The demand for BAU special agents is expected to grow, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. BAU salaries are largely dependent on pay grade and experience.
Job Description
BAU special agents provide operational support in complex and time-sensitive cases. For example, a local police department can request support from the BAU to help deal with credible terrorism threats. These agents analyze crimes, generate criminal profiles, assess threat situations, provide expert testimony and conduct criminal interviews. There are three different Behavioral Analysis Units: counterterrorism, crimes against adults and crimes against children.
Low Salary Range Factors
The salary range for BAU special agents can vary significantly. Among the primary factors affecting pay are pay grade and experience. A lower-end salary for a BAU special agent with just a few years of experience and a pay grade of GS 10, Step 4 can earn $50,349, according to the Office of Personnel Management as of July 2011. All FBI special agents must have a college degree and complete training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
High Salary Range Factors
The pay at the higher end of the salary range for BAU special agents can be much higher. For example, a BAU supervisory special agent with a pay grade of GS 14, Step 7 can earn $101,637.
Job and Salary Forecast
The demand for BAU special agents is good. Employment for federal investigators is expected to grow 10 percent between 2008 and 2018, according to the BLS. As long as there are threats of terrorism and serial violent crimes, the demand for BAU special agents is expected to continue to grow.
Marty Aquino is a venture capitalist who has helped start-up companies raise millions of dollars. He has been a passionate writer on green energy, technology and entrepreneurial topics since 2009. Aquino specializes in helping start-ups create the necessary look and feel to secure large funding. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Puget Sound.