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How to Make a Stethoscope Scruchie

The scrunchie craze had girls and women sporting colorful fabric scrunchies to hold up ponytails. Resembling these colorful fabric hair embellishments, a stethoscope scrunchie shares similar design characteristics. Useful because of patient latex allergies and to prevent the rubber tubing from wearing out, stethoscope scrunchies make practical decorations for these medical tools that dangle from professional necks. Make a stethoscope scrunchie and place it over stethoscope tubing.
Place the fabric onto an ironing board with the wrong side facing up and press the two short edges over 1/4 inch. Press the two short edges over again 1/2 inch.
Stitch along the folded edges, 1/8-inch away from the inside folded edge. This forms a casing at each edge of the fabric.
Fold the fabric in half widthwise with right sides facing each other. Match up the two long edges evenly and pin these edges to secure them.
Position the folded fabric into the sewing machine and start sewing at the casing seam -- do not stitch the casing closed. Sew along the long edges of the fabric with a 1/2-inch seam allowance and stop sewing when you reach the second casing seam.
Remove the fabric from the sewing machine and remove the pins. Turn the fabric right side out.
Thread the elastic through one casing. Stitch the two elastic ends together securely with the sewing machine.
Thread the shoelace through the other casing but do not stitch the shoelace ends together.
Place the scrunchie onto the stethoscope, inserting the end of the stethoscope through the shoelace end first. Pull the scrunchie up to the point where the tubing connects with the chest piece. Pull the shoelace tight to secure the scrunchie, loop the shoelace over the chest piece and tie it in a bow.
Arrange the scrunchie so it covers the tubing evenly.
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.