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How to Make a Resume for College Recommendation Letters

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A college recommendation letter can be a deciding factor between two applicants. Providing a copy of your resume to the people who will be writing college recommendation letters for you can be very helpful. Even people who have known you for a long time may not be familiar with all of your achievements. A resume can remind that person of your education background, work and internship experiences, skills, interests and various accomplishments. Incorporating details from your resume into their recommendation letter will make it appear that they know you better than they do.

Gather information about your grades, volunteer opportunities, work background, sports awards and leadership accomplishments. All of this information will prove helpful to the individual writing your college recommendation letter. The letter-writer should attest to how well-rounded you might be.Your resume provides relevant information so the letter will be focused on your qualifications.

Select a resume template in Microsoft Word. On the "File" menu, click the "New" button. In the "New Document" task panel under "Templates," click on the "Templates on Office Online" button and then select a resume. The template will help provide the resume's necessary information in a logical, easy to read sequence. This will allow the individual writing your college recommendation letter to more easily view your qualifications.

Include your personal information. Write your name, address, phone number and email address on the top of the first page of the resume. Personal information such as marital status, age, religion and political affiliation should not be included.

List your educational background, with the most recent education first. Include the name and location of your school, major fields of study, your cumulative GPA and expected graduation date.

List any academic awards and achievements you have earned, such as honor roll and National Honor Society. Include any academic achievements that deserve recognition, which will provide the writer with more information for your college recommendation letter. List any extracurricular activities such as high school sports, clubs and leadership activities. Describe activities that show a pattern of interest that are relevant to college. An effective letter will focus on the qualities that set you apart from other applicants. Colleges are interested in academics but also want well-rounded students.

List your employment history, with the most recent jobs and internships listed first. Include your positions, employers, the dates you worked and a brief summary of your responsibilities. This information will help the writer reflect on your work ethic. Your employment history might also justify any poor academic performance if you were limited in your study time. Knowing this could help the writer address any underlying reasons why you previously struggled academically but will excel in college.

List your skills, abilities and interests. Include your technical and computer skills and any proficiency in a foreign language. An aptitude for a foreign language could reflect on your ability to excel in college. A personalized recommendation letter holds more value than one written by an individual who barely knows the person he's recommending.


Have a teacher, friend or family member review your resume carefully before you distribute it.

  • Have a teacher, friend or family member review your resume carefully before you distribute it.

Aubrey Warshaw has experience working in federal, state and local levels of government. He has a Master of Public Policy and a Bachelor of Arts in political science. Warshaw's written work includes policy briefs for a 9-12 institution, letters to constituents and various reports involving policy issues such as education and poverty.

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