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How to File for Underemployment in Michigan

Michigan underemployment benefits provide a weekly stipend for individuals who have unexpectedly lost their jobs or experience a significant drop in work hours, but still make a small amount of money each week, whether from their restricted hours or from part-time jobs like landscaping or waiting tables. In order to qualify for unemployment in Michigan you must meet specific income requirements, and your benefits only will last as long as your period of underemployment. Collect all of the necessary documents prior to your meeting with Michigan's unemployment office to ensure your benefits will be disbursed as quickly as possible.
File an unemployment claim online or through the mail. The forms are available at the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency website. Fill out the application thoroughly using blue or black ink. Include copies of relevant identification and financial statements that corroborate your income status.
Set up a profile on the Michigan Talent Bank that includes an up-to-date resume and contact information. The Michigan Talent Bank is a state-sponsored job database specifically created to assist underemployed Michigan citizens with finding steady work. You will be ineligible to receive any underemployment benefits until you have an active profile on the Michigan Talent Bank.
Search for a steady job during the application process and continue once you've been approved. You will need to provide evidence that you are actively seeking employment to maintain your benefits. This is accomplished simply by submitting your resume to employers through the Michigan Talent Bank website.
Call MARVIN once you have secured steady work to stop your incoming payments. Failure to alert the state of your current employment status can lead to fines and loss of future benefits if you find yourself unemployed. Benefits will last between 14 and 26 weeks depending on how much money you are making, but can be extended by petitioning the state.
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Anthony Diaz de la Vega has been writing professionally since 2007. His work has appeared on the Celebrity Net Worth website, among other online entities. Vega earned his Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Alma College.
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