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How to Attach a Resume in an Email

In recent years, applying for jobs online has become increasingly popular. Not only is it cheaper to send an email than to send a letter through regular mail, it is also faster and therefore allows you to contact more potential employers in a minimal amount of time. When applying for a job by email, most recruiters ask you to attach your resume to your message. You can do so in just a few steps.

Open your email program or your webmail site.

Click on "New message" and fill in the "To:" and "Subject:" fields.

Type your cover letter in the body of the email.

Click on the "Attach" or "Paperclip" button to attach your resume. Locate the file which contains the resume on your hard drive and click on the "Open" button.

Send your email along with the attached resume by clicking on the "Send" button.


When sending a resume as an attachment, it is best to save it in a popular format such as the .doc or .txt formats.

  • When sending a resume as an attachment, it is best to save it in a popular format such as the .doc or .txt formats.

John Grossman has worked as a journalist and copy editor for various publications since 1985. In the 1980s, he was in charge of the entertainment section of the "Austin Chronicle" newspaper and has, since then, worked for other publications, including golf and fitness magazines. Grossman holds a Master of Journalism from the University of Texas.