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How to Find Your Waiting List Number With the NYPD

Pursuing a career as a police officer in New York City can be difficult. In addition to the application process, you will have to go through rigorous training which includes physical and mental tests. After you take the NYPD examination, you are given a waiting list number. You must score at least a 70 percent to pass the test and get a waiting list number. The higher the score, the higher the list number. The waiting list number, also known as the list number, indicates the order you are in amongst the list of applicants who are eligible to be hired. The number can be obtained by calling the police department, or it may be located directly on your test scores.
Contact the NYPD’s candidate service desk to get your waiting list number. Make sure you have your examination number ready when you call. Every prospective officer takes an examination that is grouped with an exam number. For example, you and several other individuals may have taken exam #81089. You also will be asked your full name and address and possibly the date of the examination.
Review the mail you receive from the NYPD. After you take the exam, the NYPD will send your scores to your address. Your list number should be on that paper. In some cases, your list number also may be on the front of the envelope, with your exam number.
Contact the NYPD’s Candidate Relations Section to get your list number. The representatives at this office may be able to help you. Give them your name, address and exam number. You can also contact this office if you have any questions during the application and testing process.
Based in New Jersey, Ashley Leonard has been writing professionally since 2007. Her articles have appeared on and various other websites. Leonard holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Marymount Manhattan College.
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