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How to Know If You Passed the Pre-Employment Test

Employers receive many applications for open job positions within their organizations. Part of the screening and selection process involves requiring job applicants to complete, and pass, pre-employment tests. A pre-employment test measures an applicant's skills and knowledge, and assesses the personality. These variables then allow employers to determine if an applicant is an appropriate fit for the company. If you have a pre-employment test to complete, it is normal to feel anxious about it. When it's over, there are ways to tell whether you've passed it or not.
Prepare for the test by familiarizing yourself with the company. Read about the company's values, mission and the job description for the position you are applying for. Knowing as much as you can may help you pass the pre-employment test.
Read the test instructions. Some employers will send you home with a test, have you complete the test online at the company's website or require you to do the test in their office. Make sure you understand the directions so that it increases your chances of passing. Some tests will let you know in the directions that you need a minimum score to pass, such as a 75% or you need at least 8 out of 10 questions to be correct.
Answer the questions to your best knowledge and answer them honestly. Some tests, such as pre-employment personality tests, do not have right or wrong answers. Rather, these tests are implemented to tell what type of personality you have.
Fill in all of the questions on the test. If you do not know the answers, guess. It is better to make an attempt at answering a question than to leave the answer blank. Count how many answers you left blank and divide it by the total number of questions. Blank answers will lower your test score. Calculate your score based on how many questions you left blank to know if you passed the test.
Look at the results. If you are taking an automated test through the company's website, the program may tell you your score at the end. If your score is better than the minimum you need to pass, then you know you passed the test. If your score is lower than the minimum score that you need, then chances are you did not pass.
Evaluate your performance. If you feel confident that you knew the answers and the questions came easily to you, then you can guess that you passed. If the test appeared difficult, then you might not feel as confident.
Wait for a follow-up phone call or letter from the company. If they call you to schedule an interview after the test, then you passed it. If you do not hear anything back, chances are you did not pass.
Kyra Sheahan has been a writer for various publications since 2008. Her work has been featured in "The Desert Leaf" and "Kentucky Doc Magazine," covering health and wellness, environmental conservatism and DIY crafts. Sheahan holds an M.B.A. with an emphasis in finance.
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