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How to Get a Good Rembrandt Test Score

The Rembrandt Portrait Personality Assessment measures 14 key personality qualities to help employers determine a potential employee's likelihood to perform well in a particular job position.
To achieve a desirable score, become more self aware and be open to personal growth. Apply for job positions that are a good fit for your personality type and professional experience. Because your Rembrandt score reflects how a particular personality matches a particular position or field, it could vary wildly depending on each job opening.

Discover Your Personality Type
Employers are looking for job candidates who possess the skills, training and personality to succeed in a given position. Your resume and interviews tell them a good deal about your skills and training, while profiles like the Rembrandt give them a read on your personality and integrity. Psychologists Carl Jung and William Moulton Marston proposed that some personality types are more likely to succeed in certain fields than others. Per their theories, introverts, extroverts, analysts, diplomats, sentinels and explorers all have different strengths.
Because the Rembrandt assessments measure similar traits to other personality profiles, consider taking a free DiSC behavior assessment or a Myers-Briggs inventory prior to your Rembrandt test. Your results should list career options that are well suited to your personality type and give you an idea of whether the Rembrandt is likely to reflect that you are on the right career track.

Consider Your Character
Rembrandt assessments measure integrity and work ethic in addition to your personality type, to give employers an idea of how honest, reliable and conscientious you are on the job. If you genuinely care about your work, show up on time and give 100 percent, that will show up in your personality testing scores. If you struggle with integrity or work ethic and want to improve, consider seeking life coaching or therapy from a professional who specializes in helping people address the root of their career difficulties. This will help you to establish new and healthier patterns in your personal life and career so that your future Rembrandt scores read more favorably to prospective employers.

Prepare for Test Day
The Rembrandt assessment, like any other test, is most effective when you are honest and prepared to do your best on the exam. Get a good night's sleep; eat nutritious food; wear comfortable professional clothing; practice relaxation techniques to manage anxiety. Meditation, deep breathing, visualization and positive self talk can help calm nerves and increase test-taking performance. Unlike a math test that has right and wrong answers, the Rembrandt will either accurately or inaccurately reflect who you are, so take the exam when you are at your best, calm and able to focus.

Grow Professionally
Be persistent in pursuing the profession best suited to your personality type and character. If you believe your Rembrandt scores do not accurately reflect who you are, or you are concerned because they indicate that you're a poor match for the job, take a step back to consider why. It could be that you were exhausted on testing day and not up to par, or perhaps your career is not a good fit for you and it's time to consider a change. Once you are on track and feeling better about your career path, your future personality testing scores will reflect that to prospective employers.
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Anne Kinsey is an entrepreneur and business pioneer, who has ranked in the top 1% of the direct sales industry, growing a large team and earning the title of Senior Team Manager during her time with Jamberry. She is the nonprofit founder and executive director of Love Powered Life, as well as a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach and freelance writer who has written for publications like Working Mother, the San Francisco Chronicle, Bizfluent, the Houston Chronicle and Our Everyday Life. Anne works from her home office in rural North Carolina, where she resides with her husband and three children.
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