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How to Write a Letter About Wearing Jeans to Work

Private companies and government offices are including “casual dress days” with policies addressing what kinds of casual dress are allowed for employees. Because business owners want to present the best possible image, ignoring the need for a dress code could lead to someone wearing saggy or overly tight jeans to work. Even if the employee is not meeting with clients or customers, his appearance may present the wrong impression. In these instances, human resources can remind employees what kinds of jeans are allowable.
Study the dress code policy for both male and female employees, business dress and casual dress. Discuss how the dress code policy affects wearing jeans in the workplace and a “casual day” policy with the human resources manager.
Write a first draft of the letter, focusing specifically on your company’s policy and wearing jeans in the workplace. Include specifically what is not allowed – holes in the jeans, jeans that are too tight, saggy or dirty -- and what is allowable, such as slim fit jeans or jeans with little obvious wear.
Quote the section of the dress code policy directly in your letter. A sample section might say, “For casual dress days, our dress code allows nice jeans, slim fit jeans or khakis . ...Company policy does not allow jeans with rips, dirty jeans, jeans that sag or jeans that are too tight.”
Include the section number of the dress code policy that dictates the kinds of casual wear and jeans employees can wear to work.
Discuss your draft letter with the human resources manager and agree on any changes. Rewrite the letter, including the specified changes, and get signatures from the appropriate company managers (human resources manager and chief executive officer).
Genevieve Van Wyden began writing in 2007. She has written for “Tu Revista Latina” and owns three blogs. She has worked as a CPS social worker, gaining experience in the mental-health system. Van Wyden earned her Bachelor of Arts in journalism from New Mexico State University in 2006.
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