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How to Follow Company Policies

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Company policies serve as an outline of how employees should work and behave in order to stay in line with the company mission. These policies generally include rules with regard to employee conduct, ethics, saftey and efficient work practices. Company policies are usually created through a collaborative effort between upper management and the human resources department. Adhering to company policies is advisable and may improve your work performance and chances for advancement in the company.

Obtain a copy of the company policy manual. Sometimes called the employee handbook, the policy manual is usually provided to new employees during company orientation. The human resources office or your manager should be able to provide the handbook.

Read the policy manual. The handbook may be broken down into sections for employee and manager policies. Read the entire book to gain understanding of the policies, but pay particular attention to the ones that are specific to your job role in the company.

Review your work habits for areas where policy adherence should be increased. You may find that you are following some aspects of company policy without being aware, especially policies based on treatment of customers and coworkers. Consider your daily habits and how well you follow policies on dress code, attendance or Internet usage.

Change habits that are not in line with company policy. Be honest to yourself about your conduct and make adjustments where necessary.

Continue to follow established policies for the duration of your employment.


If you do not understand a point of the policy or believe it is illegal, contact your human resources department for clarification. If your superior is not following important aspects of company policy, file a complaint with human resources. Suggest new policies to your human resources department for review. Company policies change periodically based on company needs or employment laws. Be sure that you are aware of the most recent policy updates.


Failure to adhere to company policies could result in termination of employment.


Heather Lacey is a freelance writer who has been specializing in print and Web articles since 2008. She is a regular contributor to "Go Gilbert!," "Scottsdale Health Magazine" and other local publications. Lacey has a professional background in hospitality management and studied journalism at Phoenix College.