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How to Create Jist Cards

Standard resumes are becoming a thing of the past. Job seekers are creating JIST cards to entice employers. Knowing how to make a JIST card can help you land a job. JIST cards are a 30-second look at information about you and how you will be a valuable asset to a perspective company. According to JIST Publishing, the cards tend not to get lost on desks. Resumes are often stacked in piles. Cards are generally left in an area the employer can easily see such as on a wall or bulletin board.
Set up
Use an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Make sure the paper is a pastel color. Pastels include light blues, greens and yellows. Slight color on your cards will help it stand out from other cards. JIST cards can help you get noticed and land a job. Making sure your card catches the employer's eyes is imperative.
Put your contact information on the card. Include your name and any other information, such as phone number, email or website domain address. Employers need to know who you are and how to contact you. Give contact information where you can be reached quickly.
State your job objective. Know what kind of job you are seeking. Give a general description of the job you are looking for. This will open you up to more job opportunities. Briefly state your credentials in the objective. Keep it concise.
State your skills. This is a way of backing up your objective. Use numbers to support your skills, such as typing words per minute or average sales. Reference your accomplishments by giving specific examples. Include items that will help improve your chances of getting that first interview. Use bullet points or make skills into a paragrapgh. Seven sentences or less.
Use one to two lines to describe yourself. Include personality traits and key skills relevant to your objecitve. If you are a quick learner or people person, this is the place to incorporate that information. Include the type of hours you are willing to work such as full time or part time.
Print your information on 3x5 cards. You can use a computer or take your information to a printing company and have your JIST cards printed there.
Use your JIST as a business card and passs them out to everyone.
- Use your JIST as a business card and passs them out to everyone.
Based in San Diego County, Calif., Monica Baylor has been writing since 1995. Her articles have appeared in the “Southwestern Sun” newspaper and The NU Herald online newspaper. Baylor holds Bachelor of Arts in digital journalism from National University.