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How to Welcome a Boss in Your Office

Transitions in the workplace, such as those between bosses, should be handled with care. The way you welcome a new boss into your office will likely set the tone for the remainder of your relationship. Greeting your new supervisor with a smile and a handshake is a positive start, but give the situation some forethought and you'll have even more ideas to make your new boss feel welcome.
Organize the office. Update outdated files and manuals and clear away clutter. This will make things easier to find and result in less confusion as the new boss begins to acclimate himself to a new work environment.
Contact your new boss ahead of time by phone or email and let her know you are looking forward to her arrival. Ask if there is anything you can do before she arrives such as gather information or prepare a report.
Greet your new boss warmly on the day he arrives. Ask him if you can assist in organizing his work area or order any supplies for him.
Inform her that you are willing to make adjustments to accommodate her work style. It doesn't matter if your new boss does things like the old boss. It's your job to change your routine or habits to meet your new superior's expectations.
Don't reorganize your boss's work area or order supplies until you have checked with her.
Think positively about this new working relationship, even if you regret losing your old boss.
Avoid talking about your new boss to other employees. This can seem like gossip and cause problems.
- Don't reorganize your boss's work area or order supplies until you have checked with her.
- Think positively about this new working relationship, even if you regret losing your old boss.
- Avoid talking about your new boss to other employees. This can seem like gossip and cause problems.
Based in Texas, Cynthia Measom has been writing various parenting, business and finance and education articles since 2011. Her articles have appeared on websites such as The Bump and Motley Fool. Measom received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Texas at Austin.
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