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How to Write a Cheerleading Resume

Whether you seek a spot on a professional cheerleading team, a cheer coaching job or an administrative position for a cheerleading camp, team or association, it's important to create a resume that focuses specifically on your related experience. A cheerleading resume should highlight your experience in cheerleading, coaching, volunteering or working at cheerleading competitions, as well as any athletic, dance, team, teaching or other relevant activities. Your cheerleading resume should not exceed one page unless you have extensive experience. Include a cover letter that demonstrates your understanding of and preparedness for the skills and responsibilities required for the position you seek.
Choose or create a cheerleading resume template that is easy to read, with margins no smaller than ½ inch and a typeface no smaller than 11-point font. (See References 1)
Type your complete contact information, including a professional email address, at the top of your resume. Do not use a font larger than 14-point for your name. Though confidence is essential in cheerleading, convey confidence through your words and layout rather than through font size or colors.
Write a brief objective statement beneath your contact information. If you seek to direct a youth cheerleading camp, for example, state that clearly in your objective. A recruiter or hiring manager should be able to tell exactly what you want. If your objective is vague, like “I seek to return to the world of cheerleading,” skip the statement altogether.
List relevant experience in reverse chronological order. If you seek to coach cheerleading, include all your teaching, coaching and leadership experience inside and outside of cheerleading, as well as your personal experiences in cheer, dance, performance and competition. For each item, concisely describe your role and the duration of your participation.
List schools, cheer camps and cheer workshops you have attended. If you did not participate in cheerleading in high school or college, simply list the school’s name, city and state or country. If you were on a dance or cheer team, list the team and your years of participation under the school’s information.
List other work experience or extracurricular activities if the previous sections are brief and you have not yet filled a page. Cite unrelated experience to demonstrate you are well-rounded and have other skill sets that may be applicable to cheerleading.
Use bullet points and/or short sentences throughout your cheerleading resume. Proofread it several times to ensure it is error free. Print your resume on white or cream colored paper, ideally using a paper grade slightly heavier than copy paper.
- Use bullet points and/or short sentences throughout your cheerleading resume. Proofread it several times to ensure it is error free. Print your resume on white or cream colored paper, ideally using a paper grade slightly heavier than copy paper.
Darla Himeles is a freelance writer, editor and poet living in Castine, Maine. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College's English and education programs and a current student in Drew University’s MFA in poetry and poetry in translation program, Himeles writes frequently about education, wellness, writing and literature.