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How to Do a Sample Letter to Apply for a Press Pass

If you are an editor or a freelance writer you will likely need a letter of introduction before you receive a press pass to any major event. The letter should come from the editor and will be a brief summary about you and the publication you will be writing or taking pictures for. Although each event will require different pieces of information when applying for press passes, most will also want a letter of introduction.
Contact the public relations firm handling publicity for the event you wish to cover. Most events will have contact information on their official webpage. Apply early since many events have a deadline for press requests.
Fill out the sample letter on your publication's letterhead. Include the date and contact information for you and your editor.
Describe your publication in the letter and state that you are requesting press passes. Include your position at the publication and how long you've been working there.
Explain, in detail, what kind of coverage you plan to give the event and what kind of access you would like. Include if you plan on doing interviews or a straight review of the event.
David Harris is a writer living in Portland, Ore. He currently is the editor-in-chief of the online magazine Spectrum Culture. He holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College.
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