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How to Become a Teacher Aide in Florida

Becoming a teacher's aide differs a little from county to county within Florida, but the process is generally the same no matter where you go. Follow these simple directions, and you'll find yourself in a Florida classroom in no time.
Work with children for a little while in Florida before applying to become a teacher's aide. You can get needed experience by working in a daycare, as a volunteer at a school or helping out with Special Olympics. Not only will prior experience help you get a position, but also you will get an idea of the types of students you'd like to work with.
Write up a resume. On this resume, specify that your objective is to become a teacher's aide and make sure you include any experience you have working with children.
Go to the website of the Florida school district in which you are thinking of teaching. On the website, the district should have detailed instructions on how to go about applying for specific jobs. Read the details and call the district for clarification if any questions should arise.
Apply as a teacher's aide at the Florida county school district you hope to work for. Some counties require you to fill out a paper application, but most have applications available online. Some will require that you be interviewed at the county office prior to checking out jobs at individual schools.
Begin searching for jobs at individual schools once you are cleared to do so by the Florida county. How to do this will vary according to district. Some districts post jobs online, some have a job line you can call for openings, and others may require that you call the schools you are interested in directly. Set up interviews with principals at schools that have openings you are interested in.
Arrive at the interview on time and well dressed and bring a copy of your resume. Be ready to talk about your prior experience with children and what you feel you can offer the students and the school by being an aide there. Some principals may offer you a job on the spot; others may prefer to call you back. If you do not hear from the school several days after your interview, call the school and ask for an update on the status of the position you applied for.
Go to the county office or police station for fingerprinting and a background check once you're been offered a job to complete the hiring process. This is usually a painless procedure but may be a little bit time consuming.
The above steps are only an outline. Follow the procedure set forth by the county.
If you have a police record, be honest about it. It will not necessarily exclude you from a job, provided your offense didn't involve children. When they do the background check, they're going to find out. You stand a much better chance of completing the hiring process if you're upfront and they don't find out the hard way.
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- The above steps are only an outline. Follow the procedure set forth by the county.
- If you have a police record, be honest about it. It will not necessarily exclude you from a job, provided your offense didn't involve children. When they do the background check, they're going to find out. You stand a much better chance of completing the hiring process if you're upfront and they don't find out the hard way.
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