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How to Get a Job at the Pentagon

The Pentagon is the central headquarters for the U.S. Department of Defense -- the nation’s largest employer. Not all Pentagon employees work inside the Pentagon office building, however. The Department of Defense has more than 1.4 million active-duty service members in the military forces and more than 1.1 million individuals in the National Guard and Reserve forces, as of 2014. The agency also employs more than 800,000 full-time and part-time civilian personnel worldwide.
Search USA Jobs Website
The Pentagon offers entry-level positions in a variety of fields to individuals graduating from college. You can search for available positions on USA Jobs -- the federal government’s official source for federal employment information where new vacancies are posted every day. Each job posting listed includes a job summary, eligibility requirements and salary range. You can narrow your search by entering a location and job title or keywords that describe your competencies, most noteworthy job skills, education or professional experiences. Although you can apply for job openings online, you must carefully follow the instructions on the vacancy announcement on how to apply. Otherwise, you may be ineligible for employment.
Visit Department of Defense Websites
You can get information about civilian job opportunities with the Department of Defense at the Pentagon from the employment resource listings on the website. If you have questions about a particular job vacancy or the federal hiring process, the Human Resources Service Center provides assistance to civilians looking for jobs with the Department of Defense. When responding to a vacancy announcement, you may be required to use the online federal resume builder available on the USA Jobs website. Submit all the information an announcement requires, providing specific details about your qualifications, education and work history.
Recruitment Assistance Division
The Recruitment Assistance Division increases public awareness about civilian career and job opportunities working for the Department of Defense. RAD works with universities and professional organizations in connecting individuals with recruiters. RAD career advisers assist job applicants in completing the required employment documentation and offer advice on how to apply for federal vacancy announcements. RAD recruiting efforts reach out to recent college graduates, veterans, military spouses and individuals coming out of the military.
Applying as a Federal Police Officer
To apply for a uniformed federal police officer position at the Pentagon, you must be a U.S. citizen, have a valid driver’s license and qualify for secret security clearance. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field or a minimum of one year of experience working as a police officer. In addition, you must complete a 10-week basic police training program at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and a 12-week evaluation program when you return to the Pentagon. You will be ineligible to apply if you have a felony conviction or have been found guilty of domestic violence. Visit the Human Resources Service Center website for job announcements and more application procedures.
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Amber Keefer has more than 25 years of experience working in the fields of human services and health care administration. Writing professionally since 1997, she has written articles covering business and finance, health, fitness, parenting and senior living issues for both print and online publications. Keefer holds a B.A. from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. in health care management from Baker College.
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