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How to Fake a Resume

How to Fake a Resume. You have your eye on that dream job, but you don't quite have the skills or qualifications for the position. No matter how many times you submit a resume, you get nothing but a form letter rejection. Maybe your resume needs a few tweaks to make you a viable candidate. Or maybe it needs a creative overhaul.
Understand that some hiring managers think that all resumes are faked to some degree. This may be a rationalization for faking a resume but it is a reality. Therefore, if a person is truthful on their resume they're already behind because the person looking at the resume may assume that it is at least slightly embellished.
Stay within your skill set. For instance, if have one year of experience in a certain field, change that to two or three years of experience. However, never claim skills you don't have.
Change the facts that are personally verifiable. For example, do not change your college grade point average because someone other than you verifies that. Only change information that cannot be verified by an outside party.
Embellish little things. If you managed two other workers, list yourself as the head of the department. If you bought the pens, pencils and supplies for your section, you managed the inventory. Use creative wording.
Persuade a friend or relative to provide a reference. This person must be trusted because they will have to answer the phone as the listed corporation. They will also need the necessary phone skills to convince the human resources person they are a legitimate job reference. If your friend or relative works for an impressive company and has a secretary, so much the better.
Mold each resume to the specific job opening. Look at each of the required qualifications and incorporate each into the resume within reason. Remember that any good falsehood must have truth at its core. If you don't have the skills needed, don't fake it.
Faked resumes have a way of haunting job applicants. You should be as truthful as possible on your resume at all times. If you don't have the expertise for a particular job, but you have the skills, highlight those or seek an entry position.
- Faked resumes have a way of haunting job applicants. You should be as truthful as possible on your resume at all times. If you don't have the expertise for a particular job, but you have the skills, highlight those or seek an entry position.
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