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Do Part-Time Bank Tellers Get Benefits?

Part-time workers are defined as workers who log fewer than 40 hours per week. The types of benefits offered to part-time bank tellers vary from company to company and hinge on the number of hours worked.
General Part-Time Employee Benefit Information
Most of the time, part-time employees are not eligible for full benefits. Some companies, however, will offer full or partial benefits to part-time employees who work a minimum number of hours per week; 20 hours per week is a common cutoff. According to ERISA law, if an employee works 1,000 hours in a year, which works out to about 26 hours a week, this employee should be included in benefit programs.
Types of Benefits
Different banks offer different types of benefits. These will typically include comprehensive medical insurance, paid time off for vacation and sick leave, life insurance, short and long term disability and tuition reimbursement. Some banks will offer unique benefits such as discounts at health clubs, discounts for wellness programs such as Weight Watchers and commuter reimbursement programs.
Usually part-time employees do not enjoy the full spectrum of benefits available to their full-time coworkers. At Wells Fargo, part-time employees are specifically mentioned as being eligible for their commuter reimbursement program as well as their discounts in wellness programs at Weight Watchers. However, some banks like TCF Banking offer all the available benefits to part-time employees so long as they meet the minimum hour per week requirement. As the benefits offered to part-time employees differs so much among banks, it is best to ask your human resources department which benefits are specifically offered to part-time employees.
Based in Phoenix, Meghan Jones has been writing fiction, nonfiction and poetry since 2002. Her creative work "Invisible Driveways" was published by Destructive Heart Press in 2006. Jones received the Mary A. Hill English Creative Writing Scholarship, and she won the Curios Southwest Writing Contest in 2007. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English creative writing from Northern Arizona University.
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