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Business Process Analyst Job Description

Business process analysts are also known as operations research analysts. They interpret different forms of management-related information in a company to help management solve problems and improve a company's efficiency.

Business process analysts work across all industry sectors. They work across all departments of a firm, from chain supply and logistics, to the allocation of resources or the designing of production facilities or other buildings. Often these analysts will use sophisticated software to problem-solve and come up with solutions to management issues. These solutions will then be presented to management and implemented.
Work Conditions

Business process analysts work 40-hour weeks and most of their work is done in an office environment. Sometimes, if the job requires it, they may spend time in the field carrying out observation work.

Analysts must have a bachelor's degree in something numerate such as mathematics. Many employers prefer their employees to have a master's in operations research or management science.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in the industry are expected to grow 14 percent between 2018 and 2028, which is faster than the national average for all jobs in the United States.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for analysts in 2020 was $86,200, with the highest 10 percent taking home more than $144,330 a year. Often analysts are also paid bonuses and receive other benefits like medical and life insurance, pension plans and reimbursement for university programs.
Operations Research Analysts salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $144,330 ($69.39/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $86,200 ($41.44/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $48,050 ($23.10/hour)
Adam Dawson has worked as a journalist and copywriter in London, Dubai and Athens. With more than four years of experience, he has had work published in "Construction Week," "Business Traveller Middle East," "Arabian Property," "Commercial Interior Design," "Time Out Dubai" and online at and Dawson holds a bachelor's degree in ancient history from King's College, London.
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