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The Job Description of a Tool Crib Attendant

Tool crib attendants maintain and issue the tools used in a manufacturing organization. The attendant ensures that the tools are properly stored, receive preventative maintenance and issued to employees when needed.
Job Duties
The tool crib attendant issues tools, dies and equipment to workers, maintains records of issued tools, and monitors the tool crib inventory. An attendant also receives new tools into the organization and schedules preventative maintenance on the equipment.
Tool crib attendants must have organizational skills to keep accurate records of tool locations, scheduled repairs and maintenance. Basic computer skills are necessary in the position to transact tools and materials in the system and maintain inventory records.
Employers require a high school education for a position as a tool crib attendant, according to Experience in the company and familiarity with the tools and preventative maintenance procedures is necessary for the position.
The average salary for a tool crib attendant is $32,322 as of November 2009, according to The salary of a tool crib attendant depends on the experience and skills of the employee as well as the industry and geographic location of the company.
Tool crib attendants can advance to a supervisory position. Inventory experience in a tool crib attendant position can lead to a position in inventory control or management.
Luanne Kelchner works out of Daytona Beach, Florida and has been freelance writing full time since 2008. Her ghostwriting work has covered a variety of topics but mainly focuses on health and home improvement articles. Kelchner has a degree from Southern New Hampshire University in English language and literature.
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