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CEO Job Descriptions in Non-Profit Oragnizations

The chief executive officer, or CEO, of a nonprofit organization is involved with multiple facets of the organization, including daily operations management, senior administrative staff supervision, public relations and even fundraising.
Salary reports the average annual salary for a CEO in a nonprofit in 2014, was $69,000. Not surprisingly, compensation can vary widely, depending on your location. For example, the average nonprofit CEO in New York City earns $94,000 annually. The average annual salary for someone fulfilling that same position in Indianapolis, Indiana is $60,000. In Atlanta, Georgia, nonprofit CEOs average $87,000 per year.
Board of Directors
The CEO of a nonprofit organization reports to the board of directors and serves to support and conduct administration for the board. This typically requires informing board members of the current status of the organization, as well as advising members on preferred strategies and resolutions.
The CEO oversees and manages organization programs and projects. She is also in charge of recommending a budget to the board annually and ensuring the staff adheres to the approved budget. The CEO typically also manages human resources.
Public Relations
A nonprofit's CEO ensures and maintains a positive image with the public regarding the non-profit organization. A strong reputation is especially important for the CEO to maintain with individuals and businesses that contribute to the organization on a regular basis.
The CEO manages and oversees the fundraising for the nonprofit organization, including planning, strategies and implementation. More specifically, this requires determining the financial needs of the organization, submitting proposals to donors and taking care of the fundraising records.
Top Executives salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $208,000 ($100/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $106,180 ($51.05/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $44,530 ($21.41/hour)
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Michelle Cramer has been writing/editing freelance since 2007, including the Small Business Buzz Blog and articles for Cramer's current writing projects include articles for informational websites and several blogs. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature from the University of Missouri.
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