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Job Description for an Administrative Associate

An administrative associate is different from the more commonly known administrative assistant position in that secretarial or clerical tasks are not part of the duties performed. An administrative associate is more of a managerial position.
Administrative associates are typically responsible for handling the office budget and expenses, keeping office records updated, and administering company policies.
Administrative associates need to have the ability to work independently with little supervision. They need problem-solving skills and the ability to implement administrative policies effectively in a given situation. Strong communication skills are also important since most administrative associates report to upper-level management.
Examples of duties an administrative associate may have include ordering office supplies, serving as liaison to office staff, dealing with public relations, overseeing and reconciling budgets for various company departments and/or training new employees.
Most companies require someone applying for an administrative associate position to have a bachelor’s degree in business management or a related field. Additionally, some companies may require anywhere from one to five years of administrative work experience.
The starting salary for administrative associates is typically between $30,000 and $35,000. Those with five years or more of experience will likely receive an annual salary of $30,000 to $50,000.
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Michelle Cramer has been writing/editing freelance since 2007, including the Small Business Buzz Blog and articles for Cramer's current writing projects include articles for informational websites and several blogs. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature from the University of Missouri.
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