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Job Description for a Veterans Service Representative

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) oversees the benefits provided to men and women who serve in the U.S. armed forces. Working in local VA offices, veteran service representatives work directly with veterans filing for benefits.
Veteran service representatives advise veterans about what types of insurance, pension and other benefits they have an entitlement to, performing investigations to determine their eligibility. Representatives also update records to begin benefits payments or to make changes to the amount or type of benefits veterans receive.
Because much of their work involves computers, familiarity with the basic operation of a computer and the ability to learn new software programs is necessary to the work of veteran service representatives. The ability to interpret medical data and legal terminology and communication and interpersonal skills are also necessary for the position.
To qualify for a veteran service representative job, applicants must have either one year of education at the master's degree level or have earned a bachelor's degree and either maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher or been in the top one-third of their graduating class at their university or college.
In addition to education, the position of veteran service representative require one year of work experience with the federal government in a field related to the post, such as assisting a veteran service representative or working elsewhere for the VA.
As of January 2014, the average annual salary earned by veteran service representatives was $56,000, according to online career site Indeed.
Faith Davies has been writing professionally since 1996, contributing to various websites. She holds an LAH insurance license in the state of Pennsylvania and has experience as a bank branch manager and lending officer. Davies graduated cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Arts in art history.
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