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Career Interest Surveys for Teenagers

Career Interest Surveys are intended to help teens gain a better understanding of the subjects and areas that appeal to them the most. The results can be of great assistance when it comes to finding the specific occupations that are right for them, or even choosing a major in college that’s parallel to their interests.
Career Interest Surveys are in the same family as career aptitude tests, work value inventories, personality tests and various skill assessments.
The surveys include a range of topics that examine a teenager’s interests, skills and attitude; they illustrate how such factors relate to their potential careers.
In addition to an interest survey, this site contains a Career Exploration and Portfolio section, information about colleges, financial aid and job opportunities, and a forum where teens can converse with different career professionals.
The Career Directions Inventory on calculates your career interests and provides a list of jobs that match your results.
After you fill out their registration form and take a brief survey, sends a confirmation link to your email. Once you click on the link, you gain access to the site’s free career tests (interest, aptitude, assessment) and other features.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory are two widely used career interest/assessment tests for teens. See resources to learn more.
Serena Spinello holds two master’s degrees and is pursuing her Ph.D. in medical science. She has been a professional writer and researcher for over 10 years and is an active member of the American Medical Writers Association, Academy of Medical Educators, and the National Association of Social Workers.