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Pros & Cons of Being a Crime Scene Investigator

Crime scene investigator is a generic term describing a group of occupations in forensic science; these individuals are specially trained in the preservation and protection of the various clues within a crime scene.
The most important traits that a crime scene investigator must possess are the abilities to pay attention to detail and to accurately evaluate a crime scene.
On average, a crime scene investigator must have a 4-year degree in science, but some law enforcement departments do not require a 4-year degree, only certification as a law enforcement officer.
The salary for a crime scene investigator can range from $35,000 yearly as a crime scene technician to well over $100,000 yearly as a toxicologist.
With the popularity of the television show "CSI," the number of students seeking a career in crime scene investigation has increased over the years. The job can be exciting at times and if you like mysteries, this job can also satisfy your curiosity.
Even though the job sounds glamorous, a crime scene investigator is usually on call 24 hours a day. The work can be irregular and extremely dangerous.
JaKaye Jesse lives in sunny Florida where she has been a freelance writer since 2009. Jesse is currently writing for Demand Studios and has published several articles on eHow. She holds a master's degree in film from Miami International University, a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and a bachelor’s degree in film studies.
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