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What Are the Duties of a Necropsy Technician?

A necropsy technician assists a veterinarian or veterinary pathologist with the autopsy of an animal. The reason for the autopsy may be to determine cause of death, for research or for instructional purposes. Typical duties include maintaining equipment, cleaning and preparing examination and laboratory areas, assisting with the removal and processing of organs and disposal of remains.
Background Required
A high school diploma is required, with additional technical coursework on dissection and anatomy, or the equivalent through experience. A necropsy technician should be organized and able to maintain accurate records. He must be comfortable working in the necropsy laboratory environment where, for instance, chemicals and decomposition can create unpleasant odors.
Diane Stevens' professional experience started in 1970 with a computer programming position. Beginning in 1985, running her own business gave her extensive experience in personal and business finance. Her writing appears on Orbitz's Travel Blog and other websites. Stevens holds a Bachelor of Science in physics from the State University of New York at Albany.
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Huntstock/DisabilityImages/Getty Images