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How to Become a Male Underwear Model

Underwear modeling jobs are among the most demanding for male models. Getting hired to appear in catalogs, TV spots and print ads calls for poise, confidence and enormous dedication. Perhaps above all else, it requires an outstanding physical presence. A toned, chiseled physique that includes exceptional abs and thighs as well as masculine good looks and a dazzling smile are basic requirements. The ability to work with photographers and art directors for extended photo sessions in various environments is also a must. Finding work an an underwear model also involves finding an agent, developing a portfolio and marketing yourself.
Establish a workout routine and plan a diet that will ensure the type of trim and toned body commonly seen in ads for men's underwear. Combine a cardiovascular regimen that includes running on a regular basis. Use weight training focused specifically on developing toned abs and muscle definition. Eat foods that are low in saturated fats and high in protein.It is essential to maintain a body suitable for posing in under garments.
Create a professional portfolio and establish a website that highlights your qualifications to be an underwear model. Employ a professional photographer who specializes in fashion shoots. Include photos that present a wide variety of male undergarments. Include head shots and poses that express personality and charisma. Produce 8 by 10 and postcard-size glossy photos.
Prepare a resume to accompany the portfolio. Include any previous modeling or acting work. Note your athletic abilities, such as gymnastics of wrestling. Focus the content on landing a modeling job and steer clear of detailed descriptions of unrelated work. Include information such as your age, height, weight, waist and clothing sizes.
Secure representation -- an agent -- to get underwear molding jobs even before they are publicized. Contact modeling agencies and commercial casting directors. Also, use online sources to find male modeling jobs. For example, the ModelManagement website offers information on top male modeling agencies. Be prepared to e-mail high resolution photos and attend an in-person meetings or casting calls.
Seek out opportunities on your own if you do not have an agent. Directly contact underwear manufacturers and national and regional retailers that put men's underwear selections in their catalogs and ads. Identify the advertising agencies that handle these accounts and send your resume along with photos of you posing in men's underwear. Be persistent, and remember that most models are rejected numerous times before landing the job they want.
Use photos taken outdoors to ensure ample lighting while demonstrating that you are uninhibited.
Have your teeth whitened and body hair removed professionally by a waxing application.
While white is the preferred color for men's underwear, include other colors that complement your skin tone.
Facial hair is usually not preferred by those hiring male models.
Do not allow yourself to become too muscular. Those hiring for underwear modeling want toned and fit men, not bodybuilders.
- Use photos taken outdoors to ensure ample lighting while demonstrating that you are uninhibited.
- Have your teeth whitened and body hair removed professionally by a waxing application.
- While white is the preferred color for men's underwear, include other colors that complement your skin tone.
- Facial hair is usually not preferred by those hiring male models.
- Do not allow yourself to become too muscular. Those hiring for underwear modeling want toned and fit men, not bodybuilders.
Al Stewart's 30-year background as a writer/editor includes staff positions at "Adweek," "Billboard," "Chain Drug Review," "Cable World," "DNR" (men's fashion), "National Floor Trends," and "Variety." A native New Yorker, he is now a writer/editor living in Los Angeles. He has a BA in political science from Wagner College.
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