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How Much Does a Talent Agent Make?

Talent agents help performers, artists and athletes succeed by promoting them and helping them obtain tours and contracts. Their duties include negotiating deals, collecting fees and keeping financial records. Talent agents typically have a bachelor's degree in business or a related field, and some have a master's degree. The salaries of talent agents vary by industry and location.
Average Pay and Range
The average income of a talent agent was $96,410 a year as of 2013, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned $29,320 or less. The BLS doesn't give a specific figure for the top 10 percent, reporting only that agents in this group earned at least $187,199 annually. A talent agent's actual pay often depends on the success of the people he represents.
Top Industries
Most talent agents work for public figures such as athletes and entertainers, the BLS reports. These agents averaged $101,380 a year in 2013. Agents working to promote performing arts, sporting and similar events earned an average of $67,370 annually, while those working for performing arts companies averaged $60,690 per year.
High-Paying Locations
Among the states, California reported the highest annual incomes for talent agents at an average of $127,930, according to the BLS. Massachusetts was second at an average of $115,400 a year. Among the cities, greater Los Angeles reported an average annual wage of $131,540, the highest in the nation.
Talent Agent Outlook
Jobs for talent agents are expected to increase between 8 and 14 percent from 2012 to 2022, compared to the 11 percent average for all jobs, according to BLS data reported on O*Net Online.
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