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Jobs That Require Lots of Talking

For chatty individuals, jobs that require lots of talking are ideal. Imagine getting paid for doing what you love -- such as having conversations or telling stories all day long. Many jobs exist in the world where people are paid to do just that. If you love to talk or have never met a stranger, look for jobs that require you to give others information or that center around you building rapport with people.
Talking About Leadership
Between frequently giving speeches and sharing their platforms with constituents, politicians talk a lot on a daily basis. Senators, representatives and those working in Congress are the most commonly known politicians, but they also include local government officials as well. Politicians frequently inform people about local policies and changes to laws that affect those in their district. They also must regularly campaign to keep their jobs, which requires a lot of talking to the public.
The Sales Pitch
People who work in sales spend the majority of their workday talking so that they can convince people to buy their products and services. The sales process requires agents to inform customers of features and benefits, which usually requires considerable dialogue. The average salesperson sets daily appointments with potential clients. During these presentations, a sales agent presents scripts and answers questions that requires talking. Training is a frequent part of the sales process as well and it also requires a lot of conversation.
Spread the News
Any kind of reporter usually talks a lot for a living. Reporters are one kind of on-air personality that also includes careers such as news anchors and radio disc jockeys. Reporters relay pertinent information to the public through their words. They also frequently interview people for the stories they tell during newscasts. Radio DJs typically speak more off the cuff and for entertainment, unless they are assigned specifically to news reporting.
A Guiding Light
A tour guide career is one field where a lot of talking is involved. Tour guides work in museums, state or national parks, resorts or any venue that attracts tourists. Guides memorize presentations to give to guests and frequently answer visitors' questions. They are known to talk off the cuff, too. Tour guides focus on providing information to those seeking information about the areas they represent and that is mostly accomplished through talking.
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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