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Water Damage Technician Job Description

Water damage technicians respond to emergency calls from people experiencing water problems, such as floods, broken pipes or malfunctioning appliances. Although many technicians work for companies that offer water-restoration services, others find jobs as in-house technicians in various organizations. Little formal training is required to become a water damage technician.
Necessary Skills
Water damage technicians must have superior practical and technical skills. They must set up and operate equipment such as moisture detectors and water removers. With this comes the lifting and moving of heavy equipment, which requires a high level of manual dexterity. These technicians also require good teamwork skills to collaborate productively with other professionals working on a water restoration assignment. Those who receive emergency calls must have superior active listening and speaking skills to effectively share information with customers.
Extracting Water
The main duty of water technicians is to restore structures or properties that suffer water damage. For example, when a swimming pool overflows because of heavy rains, these technicians are required to restore the pool to its normal state. They may begin by turning off any electricity supply to the pool before proceeding to extract stagnant water using emergency water removal systems. The technicians must also measure the ground moisture and temperature to establish whether the wet grounds soaked too much water and, if necessary, dry it.
Cleaning Materials
Water technicians also have a duty to clean any equipment or materials that sustain water damage. When a pipe bursts and soaks carpets and sofa seats, the technicians must clean them after controlling the leak. In some instances, water damage technicians may advise property owners on how to prevent or control water disasters, as well as help them to fill out the paperwork for water damage insurance claims.
Getting There
Many employers hire technicians with a high school diploma and train them on the job. The job entails traveling to emergency sites, so aspiring technicians with a valid driver's stand better chances of finding employment. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification offers training courses that lead to certification in areas such as carpet cleaning and water restoration. Technicians who obtain these certifications and gain vast job experience are well-placed to secure promotions to administrative positions, such as water damage restoration supervisor.
Based in New York City, Alison Green has been writing professionally on career topics for more than a decade. Her work has appeared in “U.S. News Weekly” magazine, “The Career” magazine and “Human Resources Journal.” Green holds a master's degree in finance from New York University.
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