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Assisted Living Administrator Job Description

The elderly oftentimes would prefer to have independence. However, there are some conditions associated with aging that make it more difficult for the elderly to take care of day-to-day activities. As a form of compromise, assisted living arrangements are often made that allow the elderly to live with help while still being able to live as independently as possible.
Assisted living administrators are responsible for determining who is admitted into an assisted living facility. These administrators are responsible for managing financial matters including the finances of those living in assisted living arrangements. These administrators are supervisors for the assisted living staff and perform managerial tasks such as hiring, evaluating, assigning duties and firing assisted living staff. They are responsible for making sure that those under assisted living care are receiving the care they are supposed to receive.
Assisted living administrators mostly work in clean and comfortable office environments. These administrators are responsible for the health and well-being of elderly patients, which can put an emotional toll on the administrator. These administrators often have to work in shifts since assisted living arrangements often have needs 24 hours a day.
The educational requirements for an assisted living administrator range from state to state with some administrators need no education at all and other administrators need a master’s degree. Given the growing need for assisted living, some schools are offering educational programs that specialize in assisted living. However, many administrators get education in health management. As of 2010, in Idaho, South Carolina, Nevada and Arizona, assisted living administrators need certification, according to Diploma Guide. These administrators must have good problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills, since they often act as mediators between different members of the assisted living staff. They must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills in order to work well with the elderly clients, the families of the clients and also the assisted living staff. As these administrators become increasingly qualified, they can eventually get promoted to the position of lead assisted living administrator and oversee other administrators.
Between 2008 and 2018, the need for health care managers such as assisted living administrators is expected to grow by 16 percent. This growth is driven by an increasing elderly population that will need services such as assisted living.
According to, assisted living administrators can earn between $36,694 and $76,386 in 2010. Entry-level assisted living administrators can earn as much as $58,753.
Charles Pearson has written as a freelancer since 2009. He has a B.S. in literature from Purdue University Calumet and is currently working on his M.A. He has written the ebooks "Karate You Can Teach Your Kids," "Macadamia Growing Handout" and "The Raw Food Diet."