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Independent Living Coordinator Job Description

Whether a person is transitioning from a residential care facility or working to gain independence, guidance, training and assistance are required. Independent living coordinators facilitate this change for their clients, which may include the deaf, the blind or, in some cases, those suffering from psychological disorders and others who need assistance in this type of circumstance.
Job Description
An independent living coordinator is responsible for overseeing and directing tasks designed to help people develop and improve necessary skills to either live alone or become more proficient at caring for their own needs. This requires working closely with educators, facility staff members, physicians, counselors and directly with clients themselves.
The duties of this position include working with clients to improve their self care through learning to dress properly, manage personal hygiene and money and keep their living space clean. Also, coordinators work to educate clients on proper social behaviors, problem-solving techniques and organizational skills to establish a routine. Administrative activities include coordinating care with other workers, record keeping and assisting in the development of personalized programs.
Qualifications will vary depending on the industry of the position, but all positions require a bachelor's degree in social work, human services or a similar area. Some independent living coordinator positions will require a state-endorsed teaching certificate or specialized training such as Braille.
Physical Requirements
Independent living coordinators generally work in an office-like setting; however, this position does require repetitive movements, lifting, standing, bending, kneeling, reaching and walking.
Specific compensation packages will vary greatly across the country; however the average salary for this position was $35,000 in 2010. The actual salary offered will depend on location, experience level of the applicant, the industry and the other benefits offered such as health care.
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Stephanie Steensma began writing in 1998 as a radio news reporter. Her work has appeared in print publications such as "Engineering Today" and "Dome Magazine" as well as online. Steensma has a Bachelor of Arts in communication and journalism from Western Michigan University.
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