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Gaming Attendant Job Description

Gaming attendants work in casinos and other establishments where games are played. They strive to improve customers' gaming experience by explaining how various games are played and ensuring gaming equipment is in sound condition. This career is suitable for people with little formal training and excellent customer service skills.
Master the Skills
To serve and relate well with customers from diverse social and cultural backgrounds, a gaming attendant must have a friendly personality combined with superior interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to speak more than one language is a particularly valuable skill. Another important skill is the ability to stay alert and keep a keen eye out for issues that can create problems, such as players flouting game rules or acting erratically. Attendants also need strong problem-solving skills to address any conflicts and ensure players are satisfied with the outcome.
Providing Gaming Services
Gaming attendants provide a variety of services on the gaming floor. In a casino, for example, attendants are stationed at each gambling table where they monitor gaming activities. If players are new to a game -- whether it's roulette, craps, blackjack or something else -- it is the attendant’s job to explain the rules and, if practical, demonstrate how it is played. The attendant also ensures the players play by the rules and follow proper etiquette.
Maintaining Gaming Equipment
Another duty of gaming attendants is to ensure gaming equipment is in good condition. Although they might not have the expertise to handle major maintenance or repairs, attendants can test machines to ensure they work properly and contact maintenance personnel if a machine is malfunctioning. In some cases, they can also handle minor maintenance such as replacing pool table pockets and liners. Other duties include reporting missing gaming equipment to managers.
Becoming a Gaming Attendant
Gaming establishments typically hire people with a high school diploma and a clean criminal background and train them on the job. This training primarily focuses on improving attendants’ mastery of the games played at the establishments. Individuals with customer-service experience stand a higher chance of landing the job. Gaming attendants with the right combination of experience and skills can be promoted to a supervisory position. Ambitious supervisors who want to become gaming managers should pursue a postsecondary degree in hospitality or casino management. This position also requires a license from the state gaming control board.
Based in New York City, Alison Green has been writing professionally on career topics for more than a decade. Her work has appeared in “U.S. News Weekly” magazine, “The Career” magazine and “Human Resources Journal.” Green holds a master's degree in finance from New York University.
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