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What Is a TWIC Card?

As part of the Maritime Transportation Security Act, the U.S. Congress mandated that workers carry an identification card, called a TWIC, to safeguard ships and facilities in secure areas of seaports. The TWIC card identifies the workers who have authorization to access these secure maritime areas without an escort.
What's a TWIC Card?
TWIC stands for Transportation Worker Identification Credential. You can complete part of the application online or go through the entire process, which includes fingerprinting, at a TWIC enrollment center. Although not required, it is suggested you make an appointment at a center before going in to apply.
Documents Needed for Application
You'll need to provide a current U.S. passport or a current driver's license and birth certificate. Other acceptable documents are listed on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website. A new card costs $125.25, payable by credit card, money order, cashier's/certified check or company check. If you are currently certified to transport hazardous materials (HAZMAT), a new card is available at the reduced rate of $101.25. Your TWIC card is valid for five years before you need to renew. If you lose the card, the replacement fee is $60.
Do You Need a TWIC?
The list of occupations requiring a TWIC includes merchant marines credentialed by the U.S. Coast Guard, longshore workers, truckers entering secure port areas, employees of port facilities and anyone else who needs to enter secure maritime facilities and ships. On the other hand, cruise ship workers on foreign-flagged ships don't need a TWIC. For employees of U.S.-flagged cruise ships, a TWIC is required to access secure locations, but not for passenger areas. First responders don't need a TWIC to answer emergency calls in secure areas.
General Eligibility Requirements
Workers apply for the credential at a TWIC enrollment center when the employer notifies them that they need a TWIC. To qualify, a worker must be a citizen of the United States or have other legal immigration status and present unexpired documentation of this status. For example, a worker can qualify with a permanent resident or green card. A worker who presents a security threat or has any connection to terrorism doesn't qualify. For example, serious offenses, such as espionage, treason or murder, disqualify a worker permanently. Lesser crimes, such as arson or smuggling, disqualify a worker for seven years after conviction or for five years after leaving prison.
Card Appearance and Contents
The front of the TWIC card features a tamper-resistant pattern of mostly blue ink and a facial photograph of the cardholder. The front also displays an integrated circuit chip, the name of the cardholder, the card expiration date and the letters "TWIC." The reverse side contains a magnetic stripe and bar code, plus printed information that includes a mailing address for lost cards. The data stored digitally in the card includes only the holder's name, card expiration date, photograph and two digital fingerprints. The fingerprints and digital photo permit biometric identification of the worker.
Using the Cards
TWIC cards permit a visual comparison of the photo and theTWIC card holder presenting it and also allow several ways of accessing the digital data, including the fingerprints. For example, port officials can read the integrated circuit chip by inserting the card into a card reader or by holding it close to a contact-free reader. They can also access the digital data by swiping the TWIC card through a magnetic stripe reader or scanning the bar code with an optical scanner.
Benefits of Having a TWIC Card
The benefits of having a TWIC card are readily apparent. If you have a card, you're eligible for the jobs for which non-card holders can't qualify. Being a TWIC card holder assures a potential employer that you've passed the federal government's background check.
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