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The Job Description of a Personnel Supervisor

A personnel supervisor is someone who oversees a variety of aspects related to a company’s employees. Personnel supervisors are sometimes referred to as human resources (HR) managers. However, not all personnel supervisors perform the same tasks as HR managers. Some personnel supervisors merely handle the training of employees, as opposed to the interviewing and hiring handled by HR managers. Either way, personnel supervisors are crucial to their company’s success.
Personnel supervisors work in a variety of industries. Their primary function is to make sure employees are not only properly trained, but also that they understand all aspects of their position. Personnel supervisors also make sure employees are performing satisfactorily, and that worker morale stays high. Personnel supervisors often conduct performance reviews, managing files kept on every employee within the company. In some instances, personnel supervisors will write and distribute employee handbooks.
Personnel supervisors need to be confident in explaining to employees what is expected of them. They must have a thorough knowledge of the company’s policies and mission and effectively communicate those strategies to employees during training sessions. They should be highly organized, as many handle aspects related to health benefits and retirement packages, and possess strong leadership traits. Personnel supervisors also typically need to understand how to operate computers and software used to keep track of employee records and performance.
Personnel supervisors need to have at least received a high school diploma. Many are required to own a bachelor’s degree as well. Personnel supervisors often focus on courses in human resources, business, management and administration. Classes in writing and grammar may also be helpful, particularly for personnel supervisors who put together employee handbooks and handle performance reviews. Also, many personnel supervisors fared well as everyday employees of the company before being promoted into a training position.
Opportunities for HR managers, training specialists and personnel supervisors should be in great demand for at least the next decade, as more companies place a high priority on employee performance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the HR industry is expected to grow by 22 percent in workforce during the 2008-18 decade, which is nearly double the growth rate for all occupations during the same span.
Salaries for personnel supervisors fluctuate greatly depending on their industry, overall responsibilities and official title. According to the BLS, training and development managers earned a median salary of $87,700 per year in May 2008. Meanwhile, HR managers earned almost $9,000 than that, with a median annual salary of $96,130, the BLS reported.
Sam Amico is a reporter for and worked as a writer and editor at daily newspapers for more than a decade, covering everything from rock concerts to college football to courts and crime. He attended Kent State University and is the author of the book, "A Basketball Summer." He also is the co-host of a nationally-syndicated television show, "The Wine & Gold Zone."
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