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The Salary of a Judicial Marshal in Connecticut

Judicial marshals provide security in federal courts. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that more than 43,000 marshals and detectives worked for the federal government in 2010. Salaries for marshals and other federal investigators vary by location and experience.
Starting Pay
The pay scale for federal marshals is based on the federal government's salary schedule. Judicial marshals enter the profession at the GL-07 level. The pay for judicial marshals in Connecticut is based on the schedule established for marshals working in the Hartford-West Hartford-Willimantic area. Those working in this area receive a 25.82 percent locality payment over and above the federal base pay for this position. Pay begins at $48,455 per year but can range as high as $61,284, as of the date of publication, according to the Office of Personnel Management.
Earning Potential
Those working as federal marshals in Connecticut can advance beyond the GL-07 pay grade. Those working in this field can expect their pay to cap out at the GS-12 level, where the range of pay is from $75,837 to $98,586 per year, according to the Office of Personnel Management. Before reaching this pay grade, marshals progress in pay to the GL-09 pay scale, where they make between $54,037 and $69,721 per year. After reaching this level, the marshal is then eligible to jump to the GS-11 scale after one year, when they can make between $63,271 and $82,250. Promotion to the GS-12 level can come in just one year after reaching the GS-11 level.
Federal marshals have access to extensive benefits packages that include a three-tier retirement package. The retirement package consists of Social Security benefits, a federal pension and a thrift savings plan similar to a traditional 401(k) retirement plan. In addition to retirement pay, marshals receive between 104 and 208 hours of sick leave each year, depending upon experience. Optional health benefits and life insurance are also included in the benefits package.
Becoming a federal marshal requires that you be between the ages of 21 and 36 at the time you apply for a position. You must also have at least one year of qualifying experience indicating that you can perform the essential job duties of being a marshal. At least one year of graduate study beyond the bachelor's degree is also needed. Studies should be in a field such as criminology or sociology. Exceptions to the graduate study rule are made, however, for those with a bachelor's degree and demonstrated superior academic achievement.
Jared Lewis is a professor of history, philosophy and the humanities. He has taught various courses in these fields since 2001. A former licensed financial adviser, he now works as a writer and has published numerous articles on education and business. He holds a bachelor's degree in history, a master's degree in theology and has completed doctoral work in American history.
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