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What to Tell Your Boss to Let Them Know You Really Appreciate Your Job

Creating a workplace culture of gratitude and positive feelings begins with you. Telling your boss that you genuinely appreciate your job will strengthen your mutually collaborative relationship and help spread a culture of positivity. Don't wait for your boss to compliment you to discuss how much you like your job -- initiate the conversation and your relationship will grow exponentially.
Say Thank You
Although it may seem like a no-brainer, thanking your boss on a routine basis is an excellent way of expressing your appreciation for your job. Whether your "thank you" is in person or over the telephone, let your boss know you've noticed he's gone the extra mile for you. If expressing your appreciation in this way is new for you, give your boss time to adjust. Don't be discouraged if he's skeptical at first, or if your efforts appear to go unnoticed. Over time, he'll get the message that you like working for him.
Write it Down
Take the time to compose an email or memo to your boss to make your appreciation really stand out. You can send this letter after an important work anniversary, such as your first year on the job, after he's done something specific for you or even without a particular trigger. Use specific examples to add credibility to your note. You can say something like, "Over my first year with the company, what I've learned about patient billing has made me a better employee. Your approach has made the learning easier and really makes me like my job."
Honor a Day for the Boss
National Boss Day occurs each Oct. 16 but goes by unnoticed in a large number of workplaces. This unique occasion provides an excellent excuse for you to take a moment to tell your boss how much you appreciate both him and your job. Focus your appreciation, whether verbally or in writing, on how much you enjoy what you do, rather than on statements such as "I'm glad to have any job at all in this economy."
Use Performance Review for Praise
At least once a year, you and your boss sit down to discuss your job performance, making this an ideal time to tell him how much you appreciate your job. Begin by thanking your boss for your review, including both compliments and criticisms he provided. You can say something like, "I enjoy both the parts of my job that come easily to me and the more challenging aspects." Writing a follow-up note after the meeting gives you an opportunity to mention your appreciation for any aspects of the job you forgot to cover during your meeting and will underscore your sincere appreciation of your job.
Brenda Scottsdale is a licensed psychologist, a six sigma master black belt and a certified aerobics instructor. She has been writing professionally for more than 15 years in scientific journals, including the "Journal of Criminal Justice and Behavior" and various websites.
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