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Skills Needed in Nursing Home Management

Careers in nursing home management offer challenging and rewarding opportunities to provide top-quality care for patients and a positive working environment for staff. Duties include managing employees, implementing policies, ensuring compliance with laws and facility regulations and overseeing public relations. Some nursing home administrators may even provide direct patient care. To fulfill the responsibilities of this role, administrators must have a diverse set of skills.
Human Resources
Nursing home managers oversee human resources to ensure that the facility has well-qualified staff. Administrators must be skilled in recruitment and interviewing techniques and knowledgeable about the qualifications for each position and hiring policies of the nursing home. In addition, they must be familiar with employment law, ensure that the nursing home does not discriminate against staff or applicants, and complies with all aspects of employment law.
Financial Management
Understanding financial management and the ability to create and manage a nursing home budget is a critical skill for administrators. Specific skills in financial management include reading financial statements, forecasting revenue and expenses, and cost-benefit analysis for new programs and policies. Nursing home administers must also understand health care policies, such as Medicare and insurance reimbursement rules, and implement compliance policies for nursing home staff.
Relationships and Communication
Nursing home administrators use communication and interpersonal relationship skills daily. Within the nursing home, they communicate with medical professionals about patient health and status, address any problems with staff members and converse with patients. Administrators must also communicate with outside agencies, such as Medicare offices, insurance agencies and other medical providers. They also oversee patient admission and communicate with the families of current and potential patients. In some cases, administrators represent the nursing home and speak to the public or media during community events.
Decision Making and Analytical Thinking
The ability to understand how new laws and regulations affect daily nursing home operations and policies is critical for effective management. In addition, they must interpret policies and make decisions to find solutions to problems with staff or administration. Administrators also use these skills to develop performance improvement programs or to make financial and hiring decisions.
Personal Accountability
As leaders of nursing home operations, administrators must be personally accountable for their performance. This includes taking responsibility for decisions and policies and behaving ethically at all time. In addition, administrators must be licensed. Specific requirements vary but usually include a bachelor's degree and passing an examination. Nursing home managers must also complete continuing education to maintain a current license.
Medical and Health Services Managers salary
- Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $195,630 ($94.05/hour)
- Median Annual Salary: $104,280 ($50.13/hour)
- Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $59,980 ($28.84/hour)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: Medical and Health Services Managers
- Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs: Nursing Home Administrator
- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: Nurse Manager Skills Inventory
- National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards: NHA and RC/AL Licensure Requirements
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Medical and Health Services Managers
- Career Trend: Medical and Health Services Managers
Maureen Malone started writing in 2008. She writes articles for business promotion and informational articles on various websites. Malone has a Bachelor of Science in technical management with an emphasis in biology from DeVry University.
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