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How to Show Commitment on the Job

Bringing energy and initiative to your job every day shows commitment. Caring more about your work and your organization will show in the results you produce. Showing commitment can demonstrate your leadership potential to managers and lead to career opportunities. Additionally, an effective and dedicated manager is the most influential factor in employees’ commitment, according to a 2010 Zenger Folkman study that asked nearly 100,000 employees about why they commit to their jobs.
Attending to the details of your job demonstrates commitment to the workplace culture. For example, being punctual and prepared when at work, respecting workplace property and policies or attending meetings when expected shows that you can handle job obligations. Respecting office rules regarding such things as dress code, personal phone use or office romances shows maturity and professionalism. Too many breeches of workplace basics can undermine your credibility when your commitment needs to shine. Going beyond basics by putting in extra hours, taking up others’ slack and delivering extra service to others shows leadership-level dedication.
Putting Customers First
Striving for customer satisfaction shows your commitment to your employer’s objectives. Even if your job doesn’t involve interacting with customers directly, your job plays a role in keeping your organization’s customer base loyal and growing. Handling every task with the idea fresh in your mind that your work impacts customers, company profits and your paycheck may also boost your pride in your work and lead to improved job performance.
Making significant contributions to any group task shows commitment to your work team. Displaying confidence in your ideas, skills and solutions is a trait that employers value. Being a reliable follower shows commitment to your team’s objectives and an understanding of the part you play in a bigger picture. Taking leadership roles and organizing team members to cooperate with each other, or collaborate with other groups, shows a commitment to big picture achievement.
Keep Motivation Strong
Keeping yourself and your co-workers or subordinates motivated can show your commitment to the overall challenges and demands of your business. It can be challenging keeping up high performance standards when your co-workers’ commitment to their jobs wanes. Encouraging employees to develop new skills, improve operations and process or take new risks to advance the business can awaken new levels of commitment, suggests Michael A. Olguin in his “Inc.” article, “Worn Out Employees? Five Ways to Crank Up the Energy.” Also, practicing and encouraging a healthy balance between work and personal life shows commitment to worker well-being that’s good for business.
A writer since 1995, Christian Fisher is an author specializing in personal empowerment and professional success. From 2000 to 2005, he wrote true stories of human triumph for "Woman's World" magazine. Since 2004, he has also helped launch businesses including a music licensing company and a music school.
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