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Salary of a Yachtmaster

A yachtmaster is considered the captain of a yacht. The position requires training in piloting yachts and meeting required regulations, often selective training fitted to a yacht's size and particular regulations. In general, yachtmasters must have general service skills as well as a certificate of competency, a maritime studies diploma and experience in the field. Types of certification can vary based on location, government and the education path the yachtmaster chooses. Yachtmasters can work for marinas and private yacht owners.
Payment per Month
Because a yachtmaster oversees the entire vessel, and highly specialized skills with significant certification are required, a yachtmaster tends to make a strong salary. According to, yachtmasters can make between $4,000 and $15,000 per month. While yachtmasters may also be paid per day, a total yearly salary for the position is not as common, since the job is often seasonal and yacht owners do not pay a set annual wage.
Location Variance
There is a wide gap between $4,000 per month -- which is $48,000 per year working every month -- and $15,000 per month -- which is $180,000 per year working every month. A large part of the reason for this variance is the location. Yachtmasters are far more in demand in areas where yachting is common and business is strong. The highest salaries tend to be focused in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. Also, it is common for yachtmasters to only work for one or two seasons, which can significantly lower compensation.
Leave and other Factors
Being a yachtmaster often involves leave. For instance, a yachtmaster may work 30 days to earn 18 days of leave, which may not be paid by the owner of the yacht. The yachtmaster can manage his leave and schedule his own free time. However, days away from the yacht may also involve rotational work onshore where the yachtmaster helps with various repair or organizational duties, which can involve extra payment even without active duty. In addition to pay varying by leave, salaries may also range based on the size of the yacht. A larger yacht may pay twice as much as a smaller version because of the increase skill required.
Yachtmasters may also work as instructors, training other yacht captains or training students to be captains of smaller vessels. For freelance instructors, pay is often around $170 per day (, although this can vary based on instructor certification. Sometimes instructors will accept long term contracts for a set amount instead of being paid per day.
Tyler Lacoma has worked as a writer and editor for several years after graduating from George Fox University with a degree in business management and writing/literature. He works on business and technology topics for clients such as Obsessable, EBSCO,, The TAC Group, Anaxos, Dynamic Page Solutions and others, specializing in ecology, marketing and modern trends.
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