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Reserve vs. Regular Army Officer

Serving as an Army officer is a moral obligation and a commendable show of patriotism. An individual may also display service through diligent involvement in the Reserve force. A regular Army officer actively contributes to transpiring military endeavors while a Reserve officer acts as back-up. A Reserve officer also provides input when needed -- especially in times of emergency. Overall, it is difficult to tell the difference when both groups of officers are active.
Reserve Army Officers
The Department of the Army requires the services of its reserve officers when the need arises. This fact excludes them from daily routines associated with being a regular army officer, and they assume civilian lives after completing basic training. The U.S Army Reserve only trains for one weekend in a month which totals two weeks in a year. Their remuneration is dependent on the training time and periods of active duty that intend to keep their skills sharp.
Regular Army Officers
Regular Army officers have a full-time job. This means that they remain engaged in military work throughout their employment period and do not have the opportunity to acquire a civilian job. Their active duty provides for several considerations in the remuneration package, which is inclusive of many bonuses and training allowances. Standard Army officers go through daily drills to keep fit, and it is common for them to reside within the Army barracks.
The service time for a regular Army officer ranges from two to six years. Their deployment usually adds up to 12 months depending on the nature of the mission. After six months, they have the entitlement of a two weeks' rest. Service option for a Reserve Army officer is between three to six years. They are practically on leave except when on their two-week-a-year field training period. Their deployment period depends on the time and the period in which they are needed.
Combat skills in an Army grouping are the same regardless of differences in working periods. Both groups of Army officers assume similar training. They have similar understanding of combat rules and disciplinary requirements, and medical and dental benefits accrue to both groups in the event of active duty. Also, active duty balances the remuneration packages of officers in the same rank and service time. During the whole period of engagement, their remuneration is the same, and also relies on experience and total service time.
Career Prospects
A person wishing to maintain career perspectives, as well as serve their country, is well off enrolling as a Reserve Army officer. For those willing to commit fully to national service, being a regular Army officer provides such positions. A Reserve officer can make up for the money lost due to in-activeness by acquiring a civilian job. Both Reserve and regular Army officers have similar services; the only disparity is in time dedication.
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Based in London, George Brown is an accomplished business writer and analyst with more than five years experience. He works for AMANDA GLANCY as a business applications analyst and holds a Masters degree in business information technology from Kingsbridge University.
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