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Parking Lot Etiquette in the Workplace

Workplace etiquette is an important part of projecting a professional image and maintaining good rapport with colleagues and supervisors. The reputation you form in your company, and the relationships you develop with associates, can go a long way in impacting your ability to advance with the company. One often overlooked area of work etiquette involves your behaviors in the company parking lot.
Watch Your Speed
The office parking lot isn't your personal drag strip. When you are running late for work or have to get home in a hurry, it is tempting to put the pedal to the metal. However, it is often hard to see coworkers getting out of their cars and cross though the parking lot on foot. If you gun it and your coworker doesn't stop to look, you could have a very unfortunate accident. At the very least, you'll scare or offend others and earn a reputation as someone who doesn't care about the safety of your work mates or customers.
Stay in Your Space
One of the biggest faux pas of work parking lot etiquette is to take up more than one space. Double parking is wrong in any parking lot, but you especially don't want to steal a space from someone you work with. This point is particularly true if your company has a small lot or if good sports are hard to come by. Park conveniently in the middle of your single spot and leave as much room as you can on either side.
Yield to Others
Many office parking lots have "prime" parking positions near the building or in locations workers prefer. While it is tempting to cut your fellow worker off to get the best spot, etiquette dictates that you should yield to someone already waiting for a spot. As you circle around the lot, don't slip past someone getting ready to pull in or approaching a single spot that is available in the front row.
Park in Parking Spots
It might seem like common sense to someone who understands basic rules, but many people choose to park in non-parking spots as opposed to getting stuck far away from the office. Spaces clearly blocked off with diagonal yellow lines, turnaround areas, the grass, driving lanes behind other cars and even handicapped spots can serve as fair game to the unknowing or uncaring worker. Proper etiquette includes parking only in clearly designated parking spaces.
Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.
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