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Minister License Laws in Florida

The state of Florida says that ministers "in communion with some church ... may solemnize the rights of matrimonial contract, under the regulations prescribed by law." Florida does not license ministers for churches, which are free to ordain whomever they want. In response to requests from couples who want their friends to officiate their weddings, many websites offer quick, online ordainment.
How to Quickly Become an Ordained Minister
Do an internet search for "minister license in florida." Several of the results will lead you to websites that grant nearly immediate ordination for a fee. Select the organization that fits your needs. These companies offer different packages, which include the ordination certification, legal documents, officiating procedures, and more. Read about all the various materials they offer and find the price and package that best suits you. You can order over the internet or by fax or phone.
Ordination Outside of Florida
According to former Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist, "All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel or elders in communion with some church, or other ordained clergy, whether in this state or not, are authorized to perform marriages pursuant to section 741.07" of Florida statutes.
Where You Can Legally Officiate
Once you are legally ordained by a church, you may officiate in any county within Florida, per state Statute 741.07. You may even be able to legally officiate outside of the state of Florida, depending upon that state's laws.
Jesse Strickland has been a professional writer since 2001. He has experience writing for websites, magazines, newspapers, television and schools on subjects including music, beauty and digital products. His work has appeared in "Shuffle Magazine," "Creative Loafing," "Independent Weekly" and at and Strickland has a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.