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Overseas Jobs for LPNs

United Kingdom
Foreign-born LPNs must have work visas to be employed in the United Kingdom. Individuals with spouses already employed in England may have nursing job opportunities available that don't require a Bachelor of Science degree, which registered nurses must possess. In England, for example, LPNs feed and care for patients who are unable to care for themselves. LPNs also collect specimens, record fluid and food intake, maintain patient hygiene, dress injuries and record vital signs. Certification from an accredited one- or two-year vocational college or program is necessary for the job. LPNs with certification from a North American educational institution or one in the United Kingdom are qualified to hold LPN jobs. There generally are no barriers to the admission of foreigner to a vocational college in the United Kingdom. However, LPNs must possess certification through the Nursing Midwifery Council of the United Kingdom, complete the UK's Overseas Nurses Programme and possess a work visa. In addition, nurses who are not native English speakers must pass the International English Language Tests, also known as IELTS. Annual salaries range from $35,000 to $45,000 as of 2010, according to Learn 4 Good.
Middle East
LPNs can find employment in the United Arab Emirates, but employers there more commonly seek registered nurses. Generally, nurses must be certified from a one-year vocational nursing program or possess a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. The nursing field in such countries as Saudi Arabia is wide open for nursing professionals. Few Saudis work in the nursing profession due to cultural issues involving modesty and interaction with the opposite sex. The vast majority of nurses are expatriates. The general rule among hospital and government medical center employers is to hire female LPNs and registered nurses from India, Indonesia and the Philippines, which limits access to jobs by Americans. These types of jobs offer housing and transportation allowances above the monthly salary. Annual salaries can range as high as $66,000 as of 2009, according to CCM Recruitment International.
LPNs, also called enrolled nurses in Australia, can find employment as long as they possess work visas. At Royal Perth Hospital, continuing education is available at the Centre for Nursing Education, Centre for Nursing Recruitment and through Clinical Nurse Consultants. Salaries vary widely, depending on the region, but sick leave, holiday pay and paid study days for enrolled nurses are part of the benefits package. Royal Perth Hospital and similar teaching hospitals offer scholarships for enrolled nurses.
Rob Wagner is a journalist with over 35 years experience reporting and editing for newspapers and magazines. His experience ranges from legal affairs reporting to covering the Middle East. He served stints as a newspaper and magazine editor in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Wagner attended California State University, Los Angeles, and has a degree in journalism.
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