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Career Day Objectives

Many kids grow up wanting to be a super hero, a supermodel, a professional athlete or a princess. When most kids reach high school and college, though, they realize those careers are unfortunately probably out of their reach. A career day can help students find a profession that suits them. Different age groups will have different objectives during the event.
Introduction to Professions
Career days for elementary, middle school and high school students have the objective of introducing students to many professions. Often, many workers come on a single day and give short talks on what they do. Younger students glimpse careers that they may never have heard of before. Older students preparing for college learn what majors and courses they need to take for each particular career.
Career Counseling
College students and recent graduates might know what they want to do, but many aren't sure how to go about finding a job. Career days at colleges serve as workshops for the young job seeker. The event has seminars that provide tips on topics such as dressing in the business world and selling yourself to employers. As a bonus, industry professionals evaluate students' resumes in career counseling sessions.
People who attend career days get a chance to meet representatives from companies. Take the time to chat with everyone and get their business cards, then follow up with a letter thanking them for their help. In six months, send them another note updating your status, and ask if you can meet for lunch to further discuss the profession. This follow-through can help students get an internship or a job in the future.
Finding a Job
While some career days have informational workshops, others feature recruiters from companies who meet with job hunters. The recruiters’ purpose is to "sell" their company, answer questions about the hiring process and starting salaries, and collect resumes. Before the career day, students should obtain a list of companies that will be represented and research them. A meeting with a recruiter will only last a couple minutes. A student needs a quick pitch about why she's qualified to work there. A successful chat can lead to an interview.
A.M. David's articles have appeared in "The Washington Post" and several regional publications in a career spanning more than 15 years. He has also written for the "Princeton Packet" chain. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Maryland.
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