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EKG Technician Certification Requirements in the State of Florida

EKG technicians perform several duties associated with monitoring the cardiovascular health of patients in hospitals, doctor's offices and other medical facilities. No nationwide licensing or certification requirements for EKG technicians exist, although earning voluntary certification does increase an EKG tech's employment and earning potential. For EKG technicians seeking certification in Florida, education, certification and employment resources are available.
High School Diploma or GED Certficate
EKG technicians seeking certification in the state of Florida are required to earn a high school diploma or GED equivalency certificate. High school students considering a career as an EKG technician should take courses in mathematics, such as algebra and geometry, as well as physics, biology and chemistry. Florida EKG certification requires some postsecondary education; students should keep a "C" or above grade point average as an admission prerequisite.
Formal Training Program
EKG certification requires the completion of a formal training program. Florida residents should research training programs in the state, such as Remington College with locations in both Tampa and Jacksonville. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that most EKG technician training programs take between four to six weeks to complete, the program offered at Remington College provides students with education in X-ray technology and EKG technology and takes 12 months of didactic and clinical instruction to complete. Although the curriculum is considerably longer than normal, graduates will have specialized training in two health care professions. Students complete clinical and didactic coursework in clinical assisting and pharmacology, patient care and communication, medical insurance and bookkeeping, laboratory procedures, cardiopulmonary and electrocardiography, endocrine and reproductive systems, introduction to occupational standards, therapeutic care, introduction to advanced electrocardiography and arrhythmia recognition.
Florida EKG technicians seeking certification have two options: Candidates can earn the EKG certification either through the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT) or through the Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT) credential through Cardiovascular Credentialing, Inc. (CCI). Both organizations require applicants to submit proof of completing an EKG training program as well as pass a certification exam. ASPT offers certification exams only in North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, West Virginia and Georgia; Florida candidates will have to travel to neighboring Georgia, or whichever state is most convenient. Florida candidates seeking certification through CCI can take the exam at one of the Pearson Vue testing sites located in various cities throughout the state, including Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Altamonte Springs and Gainesville.
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Oubria Tronshaw specializes in topics related to parenting and business. She received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Chicago State University. She currently teaches English at Harper Community College in the Chicago area.
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