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Phlebotomist Certification Requirements in Florida

Phlebotomists draw blood and insert intravenous needles (IVs) into patients. The need for trained phlebotomists in Florida is growing. According to a 2009 report by the Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), an average of 236 phlebotomy positions open each year. If you have a strong stomach, work well with others and have a calming presence, a career in phlebotomy may be right for you.
Florida does not require phlebotomists to be certified or licensed. However, the AHEC recommends obtaining formal education from a vocational or community college. Phlebotomy training programs last eight weeks, which includes four weeks of classroom instruction followed by 105 hours of clinical experience at a hospital. For a full list of schools offering phlebotomy training, visit the Florida AHEC website.
To improve your job prospects, the Florida AHEC recommends obtaining certification from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) or the American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT). Both organizations require six months of fulltime work experience and evidence of 100 successful venipunctures and 25 skin punctures to take a certification exam. The multiple-choice certification exams test your knowledge in anatomy, physiology, specimen collection and processing and laboratory operations. For test-application information, visit the ASCP or ASPT website.
Continuing Education
Six continuing education credits, five in phlebotomy and one in medical safety, are required every three years for recertification. College courses, professional presentations and employer training all count toward these requirements.
Theresa Bruno began her writing career as a librarian in 2008. She published an article in "Indiana Libraries" and has written many book reviews for "American Reference Book Annual" and "Reference and User Services Quarterly." Before becoming a writer, Bruno received a bachelor's degree in history/religious studies from Butler University and taught American history at Ivy Tech Community College.
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